新萄京娱乐 Privacy Policy


媒体新萄京娱乐(新萄京娱乐)是代表媒体工作者的工会和专业协会, 娱乐及艺术产业. 新萄京娱乐 collects personal information in order to conduct its business as a trade union and offering professional development and other services to members. mea在政治、法律、工业和社会领域开展活动. 新萄京娱乐 is committed to protecting your privacy and providing you with information and services relevant to you.

We comply with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth)(隐私法)和澳大利亚隐私原则(APPs). 本隐私政策(以下简称“政策”)应与法案和应用程序一起阅读. In this Policy, 新萄京娱乐包括股权基金会, 沃克利基金会, 媒体安全和团结基金以及股权信托基金.



  • 通过我们的网站;
  • via social media;
  • via telephone;
  • via email;
  • via fax;
  • in person; and/or
  • in writing.

This Policy also applies to personal information we collect from the Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) or any other third party, about you.

新萄京娱乐 websites

新萄京娱乐网站收集两类信息. 第一种是匿名信息. The web server makes a record of your visit and logs the following information for statistical purposes: the user’s server address;

  • 用户的顶级域名(如.g. com, .gov, .net, .au, etc.);
  • 参观现场的日期和时间;
  • 访问的页面和下载的文件;
  • the previous site visited; and
  • 使用的浏览器类型.

不会尝试识别用户或他们的浏览活动,除非, 以防万一被调查, 执法机关在哪里可以行使搜查令检查互联网服务提供商的日志. 另一种收集信息的方式是使用“cookies”。. cookie是一个小的文本文件,网站可以放在你的电脑上. 可能会使用cookie, among other things, 跟踪您访问过的网页, 记住您的偏好并存储您的个人信息. 您可以调整您的互联网浏览器,以禁用cookie或在使用cookie时警告您. However, 如果禁用cookie, you may not be able to access certain areas of the website or take advantage of the improved website experience that cookies offer. 我们的网站可能包含指向其他网站和社交媒体页面(包括Facebook)的链接, Twitter, YouTube和LinkedIn. We are not responsible for the privacy policies of the entities responsible for those websites and we recommend that you review the privacy policies applicable to any other websites you visit.


您可以不时自愿向新萄京娱乐提供您的个人信息. 如果您给我们留言,我们会记录您的电子邮件地址, 订阅电子邮件时事通讯, 或填写表格,如果需要这些信息. 当您提供您的个人信息, it allows us, for example, 协助您处理劳资关系和就业问题, 告诉你工业, 社会和政治运动, 并接受您的会员申请. 您可以通过以下方式向新萄京娱乐提供个人信息, for example, 回应一项调查, 填写会议出席表, 参加比赛, 填写会员表格, 与代表讨论你的问题, 或者报名参加竞选活动. 我们只收集为履行我们的职能和/或活动所必需的个人信息. 这取决于你提供给我们的具体情况, and we may collect, information such as, but not limited to:

  • your name;
  • 您的联络资料;
  • 你的社交媒体详细信息(例如.g. 博客、Twitter、Facebook、LinkedIn);
  • your gender;
  • 你的婚姻状况;
  • 你的工作详情;
  • your educational qualifications; and
  • 您的查询或投诉详情.
  • 有些个人信息被视为敏感信息,包括:
  • 你的政治观点;
  • 你的政党身份(如有);
  • 您的新萄京娱乐会员资格(如有);
  • 你的种族或民族出身;
  • 你的性取向;
  • any disabilities, illnesses or injuries you may have; and/or
  • 任何其他健康信息.

The Privacy Act allows us to collect sensitive information which relates solely to 新萄京娱乐 members or people who have regular contact with us if the sensitive information relates to our activities. We will only collect sensitive information where we have received your consent to your personal information being collected, used, 根据本政策披露和存储的信息. Where you provide information in relation to a job application the personal information you provide will only be collected, held, 使用和披露的目的是考虑您的潜在就业机会. 你在哪里提供推荐人的详细信息, we will not contact them unless you confirm that you have informed the referees that you are providing their contact information to us and they have consented to our contacting them and discussing the personal information you have provided in relation to the job application. 我们会直接向您收集个人资料,除非:

  • 您已同意从第三方收集您的个人信息-例如, from the ACTU, or your representatives; or
  • we are legally required to do so; or
  • 这样做是不合理或不切实际的.

Where we have collected personal information about you either directly or by other means as set out above, 到时我们会通知你的, 或者越快越好, 确保你知悉该等资料收集及其目的. You can choose to interact with us anonymously or by using a pseudonym where it is lawful and practicable. 例如,您可能希望匿名或使用假名查询有关特定活动的信息. Your decision to interact anonymously or by using a pseudonym may affect the level of services we can offer you. For example, you may not be able to participate in a blog or we may not be able to assist you with a specific industrial enquiry or investigate a privacy complaint on an anonymous or pseudonymous basis. 如果是这种情况,我们会通知您,并让您知道可供您选择的选项. If we receive unsolicited personal information about or relating to you and we determine that such information could have been collected in the same manner if we had solicited the information, 那么,我们将按照征求的个人信息的方式并按照应用程序处理它. Otherwise if we determine that such information could not have been collected in the same manner as solicited personal information, 而这一信息并不包含在联邦记录中, we will, 如果这样做是合法和合理的, 销毁信息或去识别信息.



  • 协助您处理劳资关系和就业问题;
  • 告知您有关工业、社会和政治活动的信息;
  • 为支持媒体安全和团结基金等我们支持的事业筹集资金;
  • 告知你在工作中的权利;
  • 通知你有关法例的修订;
  • 将你推荐给律师、会计师或其他专业人士;
  • 改善我们的服务;
  • 管理我们与您的关系;
  • 进行调查和研究;
  • 提供教育服务及专业发展;
  • 举行mea选举;


You consent to our use and disclosure of your personal information for the purposes of direct marketing which may include providing you with information about events, 您可能感兴趣的产品或服务. 如果您不希望我们将您的个人信息用于直接营销目的, 您可以选择在提供您的个人信息时不接受直接营销.


如果您不再希望收到直接营销或其他通讯, 您可以随时要求取消您对以下通信的同意:

  • If subscribing to an email newsletter you may “unsubscribe” at any time from the newsletter mailing list;
  • We may, from time to time, 给你发一些重要的短信,比如活动或活动. You may “opt out” by texting STOP in reply to a text message from us; or
  • 您可以随时通过邮件或电子邮件新萄京官方的隐私官.


新萄京娱乐可能会披露您的个人信息, 与上述目的有关或促进上述目的, to:

  • the ACTU;
  • 其他澳大利亚工会;
  • 附属同业公会或劳工议会;
  • political parties;
  • 政府机关或机构(包括公平工作委员会), 公平工作申诉专员, 澳大利亚税务局, 反歧视机构, 工作/职业健康和安全监管机构);
  • 我们将职能外包给的机构(包括信息技术提供商), 打印服务提供商, mail houses);
  • otherwise as you have consented; and/or
  • 法律另有规定的.

如果这些组织中的任何一个位于澳大利亚以外, 阁下明确同意我们向有关机构披露阁下的个人资料. We take reasonable steps to ensure that each organisation that we disclose your personal information to is committed to protecting your privacy and complies with the Australian Privacy Principles, or is subject to a law or scheme that is at least substantially similar to the way in which the Australian Privacy Principles protect information. 通过向我们提供您的个人信息, 您同意我们将您的个人信息转移给该等其他组织.


By providing personal information you consent to your information being stored and processed on a data server or data servers (e.g. (云服务)由一个或多个可能位于澳大利亚境外的第三方拥有. 我们将采取合理措施确保任何第三方提供商遵守应用程序. If personal information is only routed through servers located outside of Australia – this not regarded as a disclosure. 在合理可行的情况下,我们将个人实物信息保存在门禁场所. When we no longer requires your personal information for a specific purpose and we are not required to keep it to comply with any laws, we will take such steps as are reasonable in the circumstances to destroy your personal information or to ensure that the information is de-identified.


我们不会采用与政府有关的个人标识符作为我们自己的标识符, such as a tax file number or Medicare card number and will only use or disclose a government related identifier where the use or disclosure:

  • 为我们的活动或职能的目的而核实您的身份是合理必要的;
  • 我们履行其对某一机构或州或地区当局的义务的合理必要;
  • is required or authorised by or under an Australian law; or
  • 是否合理需要进行一个或多个与执法有关的活动, or on behalf of, 执行机构.


You have the right to request access to your personal information and request that it be updated or corrected. 在大多数情况下,您可以访问我们所持有的您的个人信息. 请求访问, correction of, 或更新有关您的任何个人信息, 请致函私隐主任,地址如下:privacy@sportshsc.com

一般查询可致电以下电话: 1300 656 513

您必须提供身份证明以获取您的个人信息. 如果法律或应用程序允许,我们可能会拒绝提供访问权限. We will aim to provide access to your personal information within 30 days of receipt of a valid request and may charge you a reasonable fee for doing so. 当您的个人信息发生变化时,请与我们联系. 重要的是,我们保持会员的详细信息是最新的. 如需更新个人资料,请联络会员中心. We may also take steps to update your personal information by reference to publicly available sources such as telephone directories or electoral rolls. 联络会员中心的地址如下: members@sportshsc.com


To make a complaint about an alleged breach of the APPs please write to or email the Privacy Officer at one of the following addresses:
PO Box 73


所有投诉必须以书面形式提出. Please provide all details about your complaint as well as any supporting documentation to the Privacy Officer.



  • 我们会认真对待投诉;
  • 我们会及时处理投诉;
  • 投诉将保密处理;
  • complaints will be investigated by the Privacy Officer; and
  • the outcome of an investigation will be provided to the complainant where the complainant has provided proof of identity.
  • 新萄京娱乐将在收到有效投诉后30天内作出回应.


本政策可能会不时更改,更新后的版本将公布在我们的网站上. 请定期浏览我们的网站,以确保您获得最新版本的政策.

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